TP News

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Playing in the sun - Top Tips for staying safe
April 28, 2022
Playing in the sun - Top Tips for staying safe
As we approach the summer months, and bask in the unexpected days of sunshine - it's important we remember how powerful the sun can be in the UK! We've pulled together our top tips for those sunshine filled days when little ones will be hard to get indoors! 
Enjoy Family Fun this Half Term
February 01, 2021
Enjoy Family Fun this Half Term
It’s that time again. School holidays come around quick don’t they? But there is no reason the holidays cant be filled with lots of family fun, and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune either!
Get kids involved with games that encourage moving and shaking
July 04, 2023
Get kids involved with games that encourage moving and shaking
If you think about playing games with your kids, the chances are that board games immediately spring to mind - fun toys that while away a winter's afternoon and provide some good quiet time to interact with one another.
Bear Grylls calls for outdoor activities for youngsters
February 01, 2021
Bear Grylls calls for outdoor activities for youngsters
Rugged and (ahem) rather handsome television presenter Bear Grylls is back in the papers this month, arguing that youngsters need to be more involved with outdoor activities and community service.
Inventive ways to get the children exercising
July 04, 2023
Inventive ways to get the children exercising
"I want to go on a two-mile run." Said no child, ever. Although exercise is an integral part of their lives whatever age they are, it's important for parents to come up with clever ways to make the experience enjoyable. 
How to make more time for family play
July 04, 2023
How to make more time for family play
Deciding to start a family comes with its fair share of fringe benefits. Access to parent-and-child parking spaces, for example, and a reason to put on particularly extravagant Christmases. And of course, it's always good for an excuse to spend hours with one another, just enjoying one another's company.
Fun Things To Do This February Half-Term
February 01, 2021
Fun Things To Do This February Half-Term
It might be hard to believe given that the Christmas holidays only feel like such a short time ago, but another half-term holiday is almost upon us. Schools everywhere are preparing to break up for five days over the coming weeks, potentially leaving parents wondering what they can do to keep their kids entertained.
Encourage Spatial Play For Cognitive Benefits In Your Kids
July 04, 2023
Encourage Spatial Play For Cognitive Benefits In Your Kids
We're all playing with our children every day of the week, but research is increasingly showing that the way in which we do this could help to give them a head start in their academic lives - and even the jobs they eventually go on to do.
Is screen time becoming a problem among our children?
July 04, 2023
Is screen time becoming a problem among our children?
In 2001, the American Academy of Paediatrics suggested that children under the age of two should have no exposure to screens whatsoever, and that those aged over two should have less than two hours per day.
What games can you play to help kids build confidence with maths?
February 01, 2021
What games can you play to help kids build confidence with maths?
Helping children to build confidence in key national curriculum subjects is something you can do well before the start of school in order to give them a head start when they do reach the classroom.
Have fun with your kids using career role-playing game
July 04, 2023
Have fun with your kids using career role-playing game
Ask most parents what they want for their children when they grow up and the answer will - hopefully - include ensuring they are happy, healthy adults.
How to prevent the horror of head injuries
July 04, 2023
How to prevent the horror of head injuries
All children will unfortunately sustain injuries at some point, with scraped knees and cut fingers being part and parcel of growing up.
Stay active with your children this winter
February 01, 2021
Stay active with your children this winter
When December ends and we welcome in January and a brand new year, there's usually a feeling of freshness and looking forward to a new start.
How to make bathtime more fun for kids
February 01, 2021
How to make bathtime more fun for kids
With most schools having re-opened this week and the Christmas decorations packed away once more into the attic, the chances are your family is now back into its old routine.
Burn children's energy off with outdoor winter play
July 04, 2023
Burn children's energy off with outdoor winter play
There is nothing nicer than seeing your little ones excited about the prospect of Christmas. If you're lucky, you'll have the opportunity to watch them perform in the school nativity. Then you can sit with them as they write letters to Santa and marvel at their excitement as they open their presents.
Rough and tumble - Fun, or just a risky business?
February 01, 2021
Rough and tumble - Fun, or just a risky business?
We're especially vocal about the importance of active play here at TP Toys, but we thought we'd try to gauge your thoughts on rough and tumble.
How to keep kids entertained as Christmas approaches
February 01, 2021
How to keep kids entertained as Christmas approaches
We've talked before on these pages about how the excitement surrounded by Christmas can create some very hyperactive and sleepless children. However, the flip side to this is that the festive season sometimes ends up feeling a little bit boring, especially in the last week or so before the big day arrives.
What games can I play with my baby on cold winter days?
July 04, 2023
What games can I play with my baby on cold winter days?
It's only just over a month until Christmas and the weather is already turning wintry, with chilly winds biting our fingertips and frosts glittering the lawns when we wake up.
Building trust: Fun games that could help your children become more confident
February 01, 2021
Building trust: Fun games that could help your children become more confident
Trusting someone outside their usual family circle is something that every child needs to do at some point, whether it's because they are joining a sports team or going to school for the first time - they need to have faith that the people they're with are going to look after them and treat them well, even if they're only children too.
Our best intentions could be robbing children of their freedom
February 01, 2021
Our best intentions could be robbing children of their freedom
Parents will always have an innate desire to keep their children safe, and this is something that's only strengthened by the many horror stories about accidents and other misfortunes presented to us in the tabloid press each day.
Have fun with mask-making this autumn and winter
February 01, 2021
Have fun with mask-making this autumn and winter
Weather watching is a national pastime in Britain and never is this more so than when winter's approaching. All of a sudden, everyone's an expert and people are proffering opinions about the berries on holly bushes indicating we might or might not have snow.
Enjoy darker nights with glow in the dark art
July 04, 2023
Enjoy darker nights with glow in the dark art
The nights are really drawing in now and it won't be long before the skies are dark by tea time. It's easy to think of this time of year in quite a gloomy way as the amount of daylight slowly dissipates, but we'd encourage you to embrace the cosiness generated by shutting the curtains in late autumn and winter.
Why play doesn't need to have a goal
February 01, 2021
Why play doesn't need to have a goal
We read so many books and articles and watch so many TV programmes that demonstrate how we can help our children learn or keep fit by getting them engaged in particular types of play.
How after-school play could improve learning
February 01, 2021
How after-school play could improve learning
School-aged children seem to be getting homework much earlier in their academic careers these days than was once the case, and the general advice is that it's better to encourage them to start it as soon as they can.