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One of the biggest questions parents ask is 'how can I keep my kids entertained?'. Parents need time to relax too, so not every evening & weekend can be spent taking the kids on trips out. So here at TP Toys, we've created a fun kids zone chock full of fun, exciting activities that not only will keep your kids busy & entertained for hours on end but also that are either cheap or free!
Activities To Do With Your Children
Fun Quizzes

What Percentage Hero or Villian are You?
Hero or Villain? Jedi or Sith? Avenger or Thanos? It's time to find out. Take our quiz below!

Fact or Fiction Quiz!
Take our quiz and see whether you can guess if these are 'fake facts' or 'fact facts'! Some might just surprise you...

The Big Logo Quiz!
Can you identify these well-known brands? Take the quiz and see if you can recognise the 16 different logos... some may be harder than you think!
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